Mystical Obsidian - Unlock Your Energy Field

Mystical Obsidian - Unlock Your Energy Field

Origin of Obsidian

The formation of obsidian is attributed to the rapid cooling of the lava's outer layers, which allows the silicon dioxide-rich magma to condense into blocks without sufficient time for mineral crystals to grow. This results in the creation of glass. Obsidian's distinctive formation process also results in the presence of 1% to 2% water.
Obsidian is an igneous rock that is primarily found in areas where volcanic activity has occurred, including Hawaii in the United States, Japan, and Java Island in Indonesia. Other locations where it is produced include Iceland, Hungary, the Lipari Islands in Italy, the former Soviet Union, Mexico, Ecuador, and Guatemala.
The dark black single-eyed obsidian is distributed in Arizona and New Mexico in the United States, where it is known as "Apache Tears." The majority of obsidian jewelry is manufactured in Central and North America, where it is the national stone of the United Mexican States.

Classification of Obsidian

In addition to black, obsidian may also present different colors, patterns, spots or special optical phenomena. With black as the main base color, it can be divided into many types in the business according to the differences in appearance. They are as follows: obsidian, rainbow obsidian, golden obsidian, silver obsidian, snowflake obsidian, etc.

How to choose obsidian

Color: Black obsidian with a pure and uniform color is considered to be of superior quality. The most valuable obsidian is rainbow obsidian with a rainbow halo, and the halo is uniform, especially the single-eye rainbow obsidian and double-eye rainbow obsidian with oval stripes, which are of the highest quality.
Texture: The texture of obsidian refers to the fineness of the obsidian. In general, the texture is fine and smooth, with no cracks. Conversely, if the texture is rough and granular, the quality is poor.
Optical Effect: Some obsidian can exhibit distinctive optical effects, such as the cat's eye effect. Obsidian with cat's eyes is a relatively rare and highly valued specimen. For those seeking high-quality obsidian, the cat's eye effect is easily discernible upon slight rotation of the gem.

Healing properties of obsidian:

Obsidian is believed to have a strong adsorption capacity, which enables it to absorb and resist negative energy. This stone is also known to help eliminate stress and fatigue, and is a good protective stone.
Obsidian is known to assist individuals in maintaining composure, alleviating stress, and overcoming emotional distress. Obsidian is believed to enhance courage.
It is believed that obsidian can assist individuals in improving their interpersonal relationships and fostering harmony with others.

Which individuals are most suited to utilising Obsidian

Night workers: If you often stay up late to work overtime and walk at night, obsidian is the perfect stone for you. It brings light and peace in the dark.
People with volatile emotions: If you are prone to insomnia and have unstable emotions, obsidian is the perfect stone for you. It will help you to calm down and sleep better.
Career seekers: If you have had bad luck recently and have encountered negative energy, obsidian is the perfect stone for you. It will help you to become more decisive and take action.


How to use obsidian

1. Wearing:
Obsidian can be made into bracelets, necklaces or pendants.
According to the principle of "left in and right out", wearing it on the left hand can absorb positive energy, and the right hand can discharge negative energy. It is generally recommended to wear obsidian on the right hand to help discharge negative energy.

2. Home placement:
Obsidian can be placed at home as a treasure to protect the house, to remove negative energy in the area, and to act as a protective stone.

3. Meditation and treatment:
Obsidian is often used in crystal therapy, Reiki therapy, meditation and yoga. When doing these activities, you can hold obsidian or place it around.
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