The Introduction And Benefits of Sodalite

The Introduction And Benefits of Sodalite

Introducing Sodalite
Discovered in 1811 at the Ilimaussaq complex in Greenland, sodalite was considered an ornamental stone when large deposits of this crystalline material were discovered in Ontario, Canada in 1891. Sodalite is a member of the feldspar group of minerals that forms in alkali-rich environments that lack silica. These are rarer minerals that contain more calcium, potassium, or sodium. Examples of these are found in sodalite, leucite, nepheline, nosean, hauyne, lazurite, cancrinite, and melilite.

Sodalite has other names: Blue Stone, Canadian Blue Stone, Canadian Lapis Lazuli, and Glaucolite. It is known for its blue color, but sodalite also comes in other variations such as yellow, green, gray, green, or pink. And mostly with white spots.

Benefits of Sodalite
The benefits of Sodalite are the expression of truth, logic, and peace of mind. Its qualities are deeply connected with the heart, and the heart occupies a large part of its meaning. It naturally calms the heart, making it easier to achieve inner peace. Known as a calming effect, sodalite's properties can also help increase energy in the brain, giving your brain the ability to think and function.

Sodalite's dark blue and indigo colors represent honesty, logic, respect, and balanced thought. It comforts you like a friend when you need compliments. It also promotes discipline and will in private life. Sodalite healing crystals break down any distracting walls. It expresses all levels of understanding and the mind can easily structure and identify any problem or conflict and come up with a clear solution. It allows your brain to receive new information and balance thoughts to perceive good communication and understanding.

This is the perfect crystal for those looking to release anger and frustration. Not only does it calm the inner emotions, but it also helps the body. It defends your spirit when you want to hurt yourself with your actions.

How to Use Sodalite Crystals

  • WEAR
Wearing sodalite in jewelry form is an effective way to connect to the energy of the stone throughout the day. Your bracelet, necklace, or earrings can remind you to speak clearly, confidently, and from your heart.


In addition to carrying sodalite, carrying sodalite in your purse or pocket will allow you to infuse your spirit with extra attuned energy when you need it most. When faced with a difficult conversation or trying to find the words you want to use, place your stone on your throat chakra to cleanse and balance this energy center.




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